Instructions for 2020 conference fee

Due to the Coronavirus, NARSOL's 2020 conference in Raleigh, N.C. has been cancelled. Please select an option below so that we know how you would like us to handle your payment. Then sign the form with your name and email address. 

Option 1)
If you would prefer to recover the full amount you paid to attend the Raleigh conference, we will gladly issue you a full refund right away.
Option 2)
If you already know that you will want to attend our next national conference, we will gladly apply your pre-registration for the Raleigh conference to NARSOL’s next national conference in Houston, Texas, to be held on June 18-20.
Option 3)
If you are unsure about your plans for 2021, but you would like your 2020 registration to be converted to a generous donation to NARSOL’s foundation, we will be grateful to you for the support and thankful for your generous contribution.